I love sewing and cooking - and have started this blog in an effort to record all that I've done, as, um, I don't like scrapbooking.
I sew on a Janome SMD 4000 (which I love) and in general I sew for myself, my godchildren and my niece and nephews. In terms of cooking I only cook things which are dairy and egg free (as I have allergies) - the home-making I do tends to be of a rather random nature, we live in a rented house, so all home-making must be temporary, but I'm attempting to make it home-like anyhow.
I have the attention span of a gnat, and have a tendency to ramble - so I hope this blog is followable (I also make up words, ace.)
In terms of WHAT I sew: mostly skirts. Because zomg they're easy. So. I love skirts. I also sew costumes for LRP (a favourite hobby of myself and Mr P.) but as I have ENOUGH COSTUME right now (seriously, I have enough) I won't be doing a lot of that. My aim is to sew more REAL LIFE CLOTHES that I wear in actual REAL LIFE.
My other interests include writing (both original and fan fiction), crochet (although I only crochet cotton, and I'm not very good at it yet, so it won't go on the blog) and watching endless hours of Gossip Girl (whenever Mr P is out of the house, because he hates it).
My favourite TV programmes are Supernatural, Doctor Who (although the current season (Capaldi Season 1) is NOT COOL), Torchwood and of COURSE Gossip Girl. My favourite food is carbs. All the carbs. Every carb. FEED ME THE CARBS. My favourite colour is blue and red... THAT'S PURPLE you say... well no, I mean blue and red together, but not mixed.
Random fact about me - I have extremely tiny feet (UK size 3) and thus have MANY SHOES, because smaller feet means that my shoes take up less room, so I can buy more. My favourite shoe designers at the moment are Irregular Choice and Ruby Shoo - go look them up, they are BEAUTIFUL.
One day... I will own a tortoise.